Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Wow been a couple weeks! So, here's my long awaited rant...its commercials.

The other morning I was watching head line news, and this commercial comes on. On it was this guy that got in an accident and was disabled. Ok, I thought a law firm commercial. NOPE, he then goes into this thing about how he has to reuse catheters! Disgusting and might I add TMI!! What happened? It seems like all of sudden we're getting bombarded with commercials that are nasty. Another example: I was watching Ghost Hunters and in one commercial break I saw an ad for erectile disfunction, herpes meds and the disgusting catheter one!

Why do we need to see these? I miss the days when these things were considered taboo. I'm not trying to be a prude but its a little much to see this old nasty couple excited because he got meds. to fix his "problem"! There are some commercials that I do like...the classics like the Larry Bird vs. Michael Jordan McDonald's, or the M&Ms meet Santa etc. But, its rediculous now. The only way to avoid all of it is to either never watch tv, or use a dvr.

I dread the time when my son is old enough to ask quesitons and come up with the Mommy what's ED? And no he's not a couch potato but we do watch Ellen together and I have seen some of those commercials on that station. It was great when the government pulled off the cigarette ads and the hard liquor, but can't they do away with these too?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sign Language and Manners

I've come to notice something...manners in people are slowly starting to disappear. For instance, last weekend when we were driving home, we stopped at a gas station. I went into the store to get something to eat. When I was coming out there was an elderly man coming in the same door. We did the you go no you go thing. I ended up going through first said thank you and proceeded to hold the door for him to go through. He thanked me then this @ss with a pony tail follows directly behind the elderly man. No thank you, no acknowledgement whatsoever! Normally I would have said something to him but I didn't want the nice guy to think I was talking to him.

Why is it so hard to say thank you or thanks? I know Robby isn't even 2 yet, but over the past couple weeks we've been working on teaching Robby the signs for please and thank you. I know he doesn't understand what those words mean, but I want to start him early. I want my boys to grow up being polite...holding the door for someone, giving a seat up to a women, the elderly or a child on the train or bus and saying please and thank you. Some adults can benefit from this also.

So for those who's a general lesson on manners. If you want something you say "please" after requesting it. If someone gives you something, holds the door for you or compliments you, you say "thank you". Its rude to insult someones cooking, its rude to invite yourself over to someones house and rude to interrupt when someone is speaking. Say "excuse me" if you have to interrupt or if you burp. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Finally if you have to get by someone who is in the way or you need to get up from the table before everyone else does you say "excuse me". I hate when people just push past me at stores and stuff.

Now for the sign language. As I said we've been working with Robby on different signs. He's doing so well! He knows the signs for more, eat and milk. He's starting to get the please and drink signs also. I don't know why people didn't think of doing this for babies sooner. Its so easy to learn and makes it easy to figure out what they want. Once he gets used to doing those ones I'm going to teach him "thank you". Maybe he wont understand the manner signs now, but I'm sure when he's older it would be much appreciated!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Well, we just got back from our trip! And as is usually the case...its good to get away, but better to get back home! We did have a very nice visit with my in-laws. And it was great seeing the rest of the family too. Robby got to see his many cousins and LOVED playing with Mason (he's about 6mos. older than Robby). It was definitely hard for us to leave (it usually is) we'll see them in 3 mos. when Joey comes. So it wont be too long!

Iowa is pretty far away but, we drove it anyway. Its cheaper that way for one, and two Paul and I like road trips. I know it sounds weird but, its the truth! I love seeing how the scenery changes from state to state. Did you know there is a TON of farmland in New York plus a lot of vineyards! You wouldn't think that, I mean most people think New York and think city and heavy population.

Its amazing the beauty you see too. Its a shame because most people just hurry by it, too busy getting to where they need to go to see it for what it is. Today for instance we were driving through part of New York. It was raining, the trees thinned out enough that you could see a valley below where the highway passed. There was this mountain across from us, and the way the fog had settled just below the peak, cutting across it. It was absolutely breath taking! The best part about seeing this is that we didn't have to pay for it! Sure it wasn't much fun driving in the rain but, without that rain the fog probably wouldn't be there.

It saddens me that there are people who feel they have to pay top dollar for somethings, when most times its the things you don't pay for that are truly worth it. Road trips kinda help you see that. Air travel is great for getting from point A to point B quickly, but there is so much you miss out on. Have you ever seen the sun rise over a mountain top or set into the ocean? Or seen millions of stars float by over a wide open field? Those things are sooo beautiful trust me, and pictures simply don't do them justice. All these things are there and free if you just take the time to look!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Mom's life

Since the most important thing in my life right now, is taking care of my son I thought I'd start this blog by explaining a typical day.

I don't feel that there's enough credit given to women who stay at home with the kids (or men nowadays too). A lot of people think they just sit at home eating junk food, watching soap operas while the kids run around and play. I know that's what I thought (I'll be honest!). That was until I became one. So here is what an average day is like. Occasionally there are errands, doctor's appointments or visits to or from friends...

My day usually starts between 6:45 or 7. At which time I take my shower before Paul leaves for work. Robby wakes up at about 7:15 or 7:30. When I get out of the shower I make sure that Robby has his milk and some of his breakfast (cereal of some sort). By 7:45 Paul leaves for work and I get my own breakfast. We watch some news and then I check the weather. 9am Ellen comes on and the munchkin pitches a fit if he doesn't get to dance with her. While I'm eating my breakfast I watch Ellen and Robby plays (sometimes I'm lucky and he doesn't pay any attention to me eating). Then I get the second part of his breakfast (some fruit). At 10 Sesame St. is on I'll let Robby watch some of it. This is when we sometimes leave to get the errands done. At noon we come home I get my lunch and his then put him down for a nap. I will admit that sometimes I do take a nap (mostly because I'm pregnant) but, most days I work on cleaning the apartment or just try to get things done in general. Most days Robby wakes up at about 2 depending on what time he took his nap. Then I get him a snack and me. We play or I read him a story then Paul comes home at about 5.

If there was a list of professions that I hold here is what the list would look like...on any given day I can be: a day care provider, child entertainer, personal assistant (sometimes run errands for Paul), secretary, adviser, counselor, nurse, accountant, maid, cook, baker and chauffeur. I feel lucky that I'm able to stay at home with Robby. Its not easy but I love it and wouldn't trade it for the best job in the world!