Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Mom's life

Since the most important thing in my life right now, is taking care of my son I thought I'd start this blog by explaining a typical day.

I don't feel that there's enough credit given to women who stay at home with the kids (or men nowadays too). A lot of people think they just sit at home eating junk food, watching soap operas while the kids run around and play. I know that's what I thought (I'll be honest!). That was until I became one. So here is what an average day is like. Occasionally there are errands, doctor's appointments or visits to or from friends...

My day usually starts between 6:45 or 7. At which time I take my shower before Paul leaves for work. Robby wakes up at about 7:15 or 7:30. When I get out of the shower I make sure that Robby has his milk and some of his breakfast (cereal of some sort). By 7:45 Paul leaves for work and I get my own breakfast. We watch some news and then I check the weather. 9am Ellen comes on and the munchkin pitches a fit if he doesn't get to dance with her. While I'm eating my breakfast I watch Ellen and Robby plays (sometimes I'm lucky and he doesn't pay any attention to me eating). Then I get the second part of his breakfast (some fruit). At 10 Sesame St. is on I'll let Robby watch some of it. This is when we sometimes leave to get the errands done. At noon we come home I get my lunch and his then put him down for a nap. I will admit that sometimes I do take a nap (mostly because I'm pregnant) but, most days I work on cleaning the apartment or just try to get things done in general. Most days Robby wakes up at about 2 depending on what time he took his nap. Then I get him a snack and me. We play or I read him a story then Paul comes home at about 5.

If there was a list of professions that I hold here is what the list would look like...on any given day I can be: a day care provider, child entertainer, personal assistant (sometimes run errands for Paul), secretary, adviser, counselor, nurse, accountant, maid, cook, baker and chauffeur. I feel lucky that I'm able to stay at home with Robby. Its not easy but I love it and wouldn't trade it for the best job in the world!