Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Wow been a couple weeks! So, here's my long awaited rant...its commercials.

The other morning I was watching head line news, and this commercial comes on. On it was this guy that got in an accident and was disabled. Ok, I thought a law firm commercial. NOPE, he then goes into this thing about how he has to reuse catheters! Disgusting and might I add TMI!! What happened? It seems like all of sudden we're getting bombarded with commercials that are nasty. Another example: I was watching Ghost Hunters and in one commercial break I saw an ad for erectile disfunction, herpes meds and the disgusting catheter one!

Why do we need to see these? I miss the days when these things were considered taboo. I'm not trying to be a prude but its a little much to see this old nasty couple excited because he got meds. to fix his "problem"! There are some commercials that I do like...the classics like the Larry Bird vs. Michael Jordan McDonald's, or the M&Ms meet Santa etc. But, its rediculous now. The only way to avoid all of it is to either never watch tv, or use a dvr.

I dread the time when my son is old enough to ask quesitons and come up with the Mommy what's ED? And no he's not a couch potato but we do watch Ellen together and I have seen some of those commercials on that station. It was great when the government pulled off the cigarette ads and the hard liquor, but can't they do away with these too?

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. No guy wants to watch tampon commercials. I hate the herpes ones with a passion. It's just gross and inappropriate and parents should be able to wait until they're ready to explain these things to their kids, not when they see their first commercial about it at age 5 or so. The kids I nannied came up with all sorts of questions about gays after watching something on Style Network.

    Yes, this stuff is out there, but they're not helping anything by shoving it in our faces. I am absolutely sick of that stuff too.
