Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sign Language and Manners

I've come to notice something...manners in people are slowly starting to disappear. For instance, last weekend when we were driving home, we stopped at a gas station. I went into the store to get something to eat. When I was coming out there was an elderly man coming in the same door. We did the you go no you go thing. I ended up going through first said thank you and proceeded to hold the door for him to go through. He thanked me then this @ss with a pony tail follows directly behind the elderly man. No thank you, no acknowledgement whatsoever! Normally I would have said something to him but I didn't want the nice guy to think I was talking to him.

Why is it so hard to say thank you or thanks? I know Robby isn't even 2 yet, but over the past couple weeks we've been working on teaching Robby the signs for please and thank you. I know he doesn't understand what those words mean, but I want to start him early. I want my boys to grow up being polite...holding the door for someone, giving a seat up to a women, the elderly or a child on the train or bus and saying please and thank you. Some adults can benefit from this also.

So for those who's a general lesson on manners. If you want something you say "please" after requesting it. If someone gives you something, holds the door for you or compliments you, you say "thank you". Its rude to insult someones cooking, its rude to invite yourself over to someones house and rude to interrupt when someone is speaking. Say "excuse me" if you have to interrupt or if you burp. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Finally if you have to get by someone who is in the way or you need to get up from the table before everyone else does you say "excuse me". I hate when people just push past me at stores and stuff.

Now for the sign language. As I said we've been working with Robby on different signs. He's doing so well! He knows the signs for more, eat and milk. He's starting to get the please and drink signs also. I don't know why people didn't think of doing this for babies sooner. Its so easy to learn and makes it easy to figure out what they want. Once he gets used to doing those ones I'm going to teach him "thank you". Maybe he wont understand the manner signs now, but I'm sure when he's older it would be much appreciated!


  1. That is so cool! I'm fascinated by how babies learn signs like that. They're so much smarter than people give them credit for.

    And I agree on the manners. HUGE pet peeve of mine. I hold doors for everyone, and I get some pleasantly surprised guys thanking me for it, lol.

  2. I know, they are a lot smarter. Robby picks up on everything! And I know he understands just about everything if not everything everything we say. A lot of "experts" confuse being non-verbal with cognition. But look at some of the geniuses that aren't able to speak!
