Sunday, August 2, 2009


Well, we just got back from our trip! And as is usually the case...its good to get away, but better to get back home! We did have a very nice visit with my in-laws. And it was great seeing the rest of the family too. Robby got to see his many cousins and LOVED playing with Mason (he's about 6mos. older than Robby). It was definitely hard for us to leave (it usually is) we'll see them in 3 mos. when Joey comes. So it wont be too long!

Iowa is pretty far away but, we drove it anyway. Its cheaper that way for one, and two Paul and I like road trips. I know it sounds weird but, its the truth! I love seeing how the scenery changes from state to state. Did you know there is a TON of farmland in New York plus a lot of vineyards! You wouldn't think that, I mean most people think New York and think city and heavy population.

Its amazing the beauty you see too. Its a shame because most people just hurry by it, too busy getting to where they need to go to see it for what it is. Today for instance we were driving through part of New York. It was raining, the trees thinned out enough that you could see a valley below where the highway passed. There was this mountain across from us, and the way the fog had settled just below the peak, cutting across it. It was absolutely breath taking! The best part about seeing this is that we didn't have to pay for it! Sure it wasn't much fun driving in the rain but, without that rain the fog probably wouldn't be there.

It saddens me that there are people who feel they have to pay top dollar for somethings, when most times its the things you don't pay for that are truly worth it. Road trips kinda help you see that. Air travel is great for getting from point A to point B quickly, but there is so much you miss out on. Have you ever seen the sun rise over a mountain top or set into the ocean? Or seen millions of stars float by over a wide open field? Those things are sooo beautiful trust me, and pictures simply don't do them justice. All these things are there and free if you just take the time to look!

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